Thursday, October 13, 2011


I have been reading the book, "Servant Leadership" by Robert Greenleaf. It's a wonderful book that looks at what it means to really lead people while serving them. He focuses on the example set by legends, people who gave up their lives for the sake of all. He looks at the teachings and livelihood of Jesus, Gnadhi, Budhha, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, JFK, Malcolm X and many more.
Gandhi, on the one hand-taught that there are seven things that will destroy human beings. If you look at them closely you will realize that each represents an end being accomplished through an unprincipled or unworthy means.
  • Wealth without work
  • Pleasure without conscience
  • Knowledge without character
  • Commerce without morality
  • Science without humanity
  • Worship without sacrifice
  • Politics without principle.
These seven things got me thinking of the current situation in the Kenyan society. Isn't it shocking that at the turn of the millenium Kenyans became so eager to get rich quick? Isn't one of the reasons for lack of employment the 'get rich quick' 'I'll pay you to slot me in' mentality? Any admirable end attained by the wrong means not only makes our effort futile but it also destroys our humanity. It also got me thinking that our conscience tells us the value of both ends, but our ego that decides that the end justifies the means!
It doesn't hurt to care for others...most of the people we deem legends and heroes, loved others unconditionally and its' a pity that there are only few of them when all we could do is emulate them in our daily activities.

Live your Life!

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