Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What's Happening...

It's Wednesday!

I have to admit, that it is not my favorite day of the week, but today is very special because I decided to continue writing a story that I really hope I can share with you in a few weeks time.
I had submitted a short version of the story for this year's 2014 Commonwealth Writers Workshop to be held in Uganda, but haven't heard from them regarding my submission.
So, I figured why not put it out there? (Thanks Mark, now I can post it on Smashwords )

I had a wonderful day, though I was up by 5:40am and ready for the road by 6:10am, it felt like years before I left the house. I was at Ranjira Primary today. It's at Namb-Okana- just a few meters away from Rabuor, and my short stay there was lovely. I learned more about management and responsibility from the School Patrons, than I believe any MBA would ever teach.

So, what's happening?
I'm writing!

It's been a month since I shared 21 Days with you, and now this April holiday- it's all about another story. I did declare that I will improve on my writing by working on full length novels, writing in the first voice, writing about love and relationships.
I am doing just that- and I am pleased with my progress thus far.

About the Cover Image:
I am a member of Deviant Art and there are a lot of great Deviants in the world, and TynkaBillisek is one of my personal favorites.
Her works have a certain appeal that just grows on you. The image I've shared with you for my story- is her piece. You can check out her beautiful pieces on

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