Monday, May 18, 2009

What do you want?

What do you want?
Sometimes I think that this question is to torment me or make me hate myself, but that is not the case, or is it? One time my lecturer asked in class what the difference is among want,desire and need? All I could say was that all three involved human beings! But really what is the difference? Desires what are they? Do we just desire to be what we are not or to possess something for our own pleasure or what?I still do not know where to begin or what to think of the scenario. Kids are easier to deal with they scream or throw tantrums when they want something but as we get older the question of want simply gets too complex for us to attend to and why? What do you want? Tell me and i shall give it to you; or your wish is my command we all wish we had some genie...but we don't and that is the reality. A want is something that we seek to have or possess that will make us happy or least of all satisfied. Once achieved it only makes us yearn for more therefore increasing our appetite for it e.g let me talk of material possession;if you want a car you can get a saloon car then after this new make comes out -you want it, the bigger the better...wants create a cycle that if not carefully marked causes greed. But the question still stands, what do you want?


  1. There is more to wants than what you have written, care to elaborate more and hint on what Rene' Descartes philosohphy and David Hume's book concerning human understanding.

  2. Hi, Faith, it is true that there is more to wants than what i have said but one thing that is clear is that we can never satisfy wants, once we start responding to them, some people end up being too greedy as a result, but on Rene'all he said was that humans are the cause of what happens to them being that their thoughts have a major impact on their words and finally actions, David Hume on the other hand looked into human understanding and how we take in knowledge and process it.


Thanks for Reading!