Saturday, February 27, 2010


I am seated before this computer on a very chilly day asking myself plenty of questions that seem to torment me. I recently read William Shakespeare's " HAMLET"  for the third time and found it rather compelling. It has been compelling before, but it was more so this time because I was asking myself the same questions that Hamlet does in the play and found that there were no readily available answers. I would be turning another year in a week to come and just the thought of what I am to achieve simply overwhelms me. There is this constant feeling that I have not yet gotten to that part where I have done something remarkable enough to touch people's lives and like Hamlet I keep asking, "to be or not to be."
I wonder each second, what lies out there for me and why I have not yet grasped it?
Indeed the conscience does make cowards of us all, but it also makes us want to be better people all the time.
I am not breaking because when I hold onto my dreams, I will achieve them no matter what comes my way.

Totally awesome!

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