Friday, September 7, 2012


Sometimes all a girl needs is assurance.
She needs to know that things are going to be okay no matter how worse they keep on getting. She needs to know that when all is said and done it is difficult to be someone for everyone when you don't know who you really are.
She needs to know that though she ain't Beyonce there is a man out there who will like it and put a ring on it.
She also needs to know that before this man enters her life she will encounter so many heartbreaks that every guy she meets she will love them like a love song, but when the curtains are drawn she will ask them to take a bow and go to the left.
She also needs to know that there's an awesome guy who will hold her heart in the palm of his hand. This guy has never been seen but he is more famous than that juicy gossip that she tunes into on radio every morning. This guy can command the sun to show up or not and that this guy, no matter how many times she loses faith in him, this guy will always be there-and will speak to her though her inner voice and soul, that this guy is God.

Sometimes all a boy needs is assurance.
He needs to know that you will stand by him no matter how many times he fails because you believe in him. He also needs to know that he might not have Moves like Jagger, or beat it like Michael Jacskon, worse off sexy eyes like  Michael Ealy- but you love him all the same. He needs to know that manning up is tough but with the woman of his heart he is like David swinging at Goliath and years on becoming a great King. He needs to know that every time he flirts with a girl or ignores his love's calls and texts he is breaking her heart into pieces that he might never fix. 
He needs to know that love is falling and getting up again wiser and stronger and most of all most gentle.
He needs to know that he doesn't have to swing on trees like George of the Jungle, but every time he stares at a girl who walks past him when he's with his girl- the girl is praying he bumps into a pole like George bumps into trees!

Sometimes, the person who is writing this hopes that your day is as beautiful as hers.
Sometimes she hopes that you are a boy and that you listen to some  advice. Sometimes she hopes that you are a girl and you know you're beautiful. She hopes that you are boy and you know how dashing you are.
That in all that you encounter you never let anything get you down and bury you because for every spark there's a fire, so how bright and strong is your spark to ignite an inferno?


  1. I love that this is so full of emotion, please keep writing.


Thanks for Reading!