Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Honesty and Research

I am so glad that this week is coming to a break of sorts.  I say so because it is a day to Wednesday, that's like the midweek.
I have been attending some training at YMCA in Nairobi for a research project that starts tomorrow. The Organization called for experienced Enumerators and I figured 'why not?' Since then it has been advanced and in depth training of Research tools and objectives. If you read my previous post, you will learn that I had this back approach to my interaction with the other trainees, and it brought something to light - honesty.
How honest are people about matters concerning research?
In a room of sixty, I noticed some people cheating in the assessments, I also noticed the trainer assess this and let go of some people. It just made me sad that for someone with 4 years of higher education and experience as an enumerator could do this. But before I come off as Judge Judy, bear with me, if you seek an opportunity to enhance your expertise would you jeopardize it? 
I also had time during breaks to read announced write, and I came across some quotes that would definitely go towards my Aurora Project.
'Violence is a form of speech. Violence is a form of speechlessness. '
'A human being can be destroyed piece by piece or all at once.'
'How much of a woman's body belongs to herself, how much of the clay a man's gaze. '
I came across these quotes while reading' The Winter Vault ' by Anne Michaels.
I am however reading' A Wedding in December ' by Anita Shreve and will share insights with you this Friday.

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